16. Bumblebee
The evere personable Bumblebee
possessed greate fuele efficiencie,
and was at ease withine aquatikke
environmentes. Less erratikke
than mooste in oure encampemente
he was, none-the-lesse, a rampante
eavesdroppere. Being the leste large,
this made him suted to espyonage,
though he ytched to be of furthere use
and as he coulde run on little joose,
he was charged with erandes and odejobes
swyche as observing the saltie swabes
who were naytive to the planetes wich
the bataile sprede to, or to fetch
parts for repairs. He was often waylaid
by a sesione at the local arcade
or some straunge nearbie curiositie.
He did not seme to take warre seriouslie -
this the impresion that he gave, at leste,
to the grumblers and grypers who faysed
daelie drudgerie with far less zeste
than the sparkie spie. I do atteste,
howevere, that his grete gaitie
masked some sorte of insecuritie.
possessed greate fuele efficiencie,
and was at ease withine aquatikke
environmentes. Less erratikke
than mooste in oure encampemente
he was, none-the-lesse, a rampante
eavesdroppere. Being the leste large,
this made him suted to espyonage,
though he ytched to be of furthere use
and as he coulde run on little joose,
he was charged with erandes and odejobes
swyche as observing the saltie swabes
who were naytive to the planetes wich
the bataile sprede to, or to fetch
parts for repairs. He was often waylaid
by a sesione at the local arcade
or some straunge nearbie curiositie.
He did not seme to take warre seriouslie -
this the impresion that he gave, at leste,
to the grumblers and grypers who faysed
daelie drudgerie with far less zeste
than the sparkie spie. I do atteste,
howevere, that his grete gaitie
masked some sorte of insecuritie.
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