Friday, September 01, 2006

13. Blurr

Lene as a whippete, talle and agyle,
decente with a rifle, but not too virile,

the fastest of us by a grete distance
was Blurr, a mesengere whose assistance

was delivered with both spede and aplombe.
It was sayde his forme was derived from

a thoroughbrede Cybertronian racehorse,
which shedes lyghte, at once, on the sorce

of his powere to breke the sounde barrier
but does not explayne why this couriere

babbled so quikkely. His wordes did run
as if pumped from a fierce Gateling gun,

and semed in themselves to stere his moode,
becoming heviere to forse him to broode

or thinning to an edge, to induce panikke.
It maye be that somme skilled mechanikke

or surgeyone code have slowed him downe,
and thus won hemselves grete renowne,

but swyche tampering was nevere suggested.
Oure patience thus was often tested.


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