Tuesday, September 05, 2006

14. Cliffjumper

Everie partie has its fyre-ant
whose tendensie is to hottely rant

and charge off, despighte a size
notte alarming to thee eyes.

Oures was Cliffjumper, a scarlette
thrille-addycted bataille harlotte.

He coulde notte be at alle trusted
with subtle missionnes, for he lusted

far too muche for licke of actionne
and would fyre upon anie factionne

of the enemie if he sawe them
without thinking of the mayehemme.

Though he was thus a liabilitie
his speede was greate, his ferocitie

a potente weapon, if used welle.
Letting him loose, to go pelle-melle

in a toussle, or a calculaighted raide
was as tossing a redde greynade.


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